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Hello everyone :)`

Inviato: dom nov 03, 2013 5:56 am
da Huda
Hey ..

I'm an Erasmus student, I arrived to Italy about a month ago from Jordan! so, sorry for not typing in Italian but I'm still learning :S
I've been active on Aven for quite a while now and I can honestly say I've never met an Asexual person before. Part of the reason I was so eager about visiting a European country was the fact that I didn't really have to hide myself from people. I didn't have to lie and pretend to be somebody I'm not.
Being different isn't a very acceptable nor tolerated in my home. So, I could never be truthful about being Asexual with anybody except a few extremely close friends. I never felt like I fit in anywhere, I always felt like the giant elephant in the room :P

I've always known I'm an ace, I've always known I was different and I didn't learn about Asexuality until a about three years ago. And suddenly everything made sense. I was relieved to know that I'm not the only one. But soon after my thrill was met with disappointment, because I was never able to find others like me in Jordan.

... So now, I'm in Italy. And I sincerely hope I can meet people here. I would love to make new friends .. find people to talk to, to laugh with, to share things with, to learn from ....
I really can't wait :D

Hope you all are having a beautiful day :)

Re: Hello everyone :)`

Inviato: dom nov 03, 2013 9:41 am
da SilverKitsune
Hey, welcome aboard! :)
Where in Italy are you? We have a meetup section (Raduni) for people who want to organise real life meetings with other AVENites. Are you on the international forum, too?

Re: Hello everyone :)`

Inviato: dom nov 03, 2013 11:19 am
da eirikur

Re: Hello everyone :)`

Inviato: dom nov 03, 2013 11:45 am
da Bakeneko
A very warm welcome to the forum, Huda! :wink:

Re: Hello everyone :)`

Inviato: dom nov 03, 2013 12:10 pm
da Asphyxia

Re: Hello everyone :)`

Inviato: dom nov 03, 2013 3:02 pm
da Huda
Thanks everyone for the warm welcomes :D and SilverKitsune thank you for the advice, I will definitely be searching for meetups :)
and eirikur of course I will invite you, but I think we will be the only two :P .. I think aces are extinct in Jordan :P

Re: Hello everyone :)`

Inviato: dom nov 03, 2013 3:03 pm
da Huda
Oh, I'm in Torino :)

Re: Hello everyone :)`

Inviato: lun nov 04, 2013 12:55 pm
da The Wayward Fox
Welcome! :mrgreen:

Re: Hello everyone :)`

Inviato: lun nov 04, 2013 6:51 pm
da Chiara78
Welcome!!!! :D

Re: Hello everyone :)`

Inviato: lun nov 04, 2013 7:47 pm
da Caos
Welcome Huda!!

Re: Hello everyone :)`

Inviato: mar nov 05, 2013 11:20 pm
da Huda
Thanks all :D

Re: Hello everyone :)`

Inviato: sab nov 09, 2013 3:59 pm
da klizia