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Inviato: gio set 05, 2013 4:07 am
da Ando Larousse
Hiya, sorry for my english presentation. I just want to say that I came here basically to try to learn italian, the same way I did with the english forum of AVEN, where I managed to learn most of what I know about english. My nickname there is Mozambike, in case some of you know me.

I'm from Argentina, my native language is argentinean castillian, my name is Andrés, they call me Ando. I'm 21 years old.

It's simple, I will just stay here reading the forums almost every day. A chat would really help though.

Re: Ciao/Hola/Hello

Inviato: gio set 05, 2013 2:06 pm
da SilverKitsune
Thread spostato in Neo-Iscritti / Thread moved to Neo-Iscritti.

Mozi, welcome here! I remember you from the English and Spanish board. :D We do have a chat, though it's not used by very many people yet. (I have a little something planned to fix that shortly, though ;))
Welcome here and I hope you enjoy your stay. If you're having trouble understanding something, just let us know.

P. S.: if you wish, you can set the default language of the board to British English here.

Re: Ciao/Hola/Hello

Inviato: gio set 05, 2013 2:34 pm
da The Wayward Fox
Welcome! :mrgreen:

Re: Ciao/Hola/Hello

Inviato: gio set 05, 2013 4:03 pm
da lozio
Bienvenido, Ando :)

Re: Ciao/Hola/Hello

Inviato: gio set 05, 2013 11:48 pm
da Caos
Welcome/benvenuto Ando!! ;-)

Re: Ciao/Hola/Hello

Inviato: ven set 06, 2013 12:05 am
da AceLullaBy