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Test: fondamenta morali

Inviato: dom mar 24, 2013 12:32 pm
da SilverKitsune
Oggi ho girato un po' per il web e fatto qualche test. Ne condivido alcuni dei più carini con voi :mrgreen:

Moral Foundations

Ecco il mio risultato:
Your score for the harm and care basis of morality is 4. This foundation is related to a desire to care for others and try to eliminate their pain.
Your score on the fairness and reciprocity foundation is 4.8. This foundation is related to making sure everyone gets a fair deal and is not cheated.
Your score on the loyalty foundation is 1.7. This foundation is related to not doing anything to hard groups you are a part of.
Your score on the authority and respect foundation is 1.2. This foundation is related to mainting social order.
You score on the purity and sanctity foundation is 0.5. This foundation is related to abiding by abstract philosophical or religious prinicples.

The Moral Foundations Questionnaire has been studied extensively in relation to politics. It has been found that liberals score highest for the harm and care and fairness and reciprocity foundation, and quite a bit lower for the other three. Conservatives score slightly lower than liberals on harm and care and fairness and reciprocity but much higher on the other three.
Impressionante la correttezza del risvolto politico, nel mio caso... vi ci trovate anche voi?

Re: Test: fondamenta morali

Inviato: dom mar 24, 2013 2:18 pm
da Asuka
-Your score for the harm and care basis of morality is 4.5. This foundation is related to a desire to care for others and try to eliminate their pain.
-Your score on the fairness and reciproicty foundation is 4. This foundation is related to making sure everyone gets a fair deal and is not cheated.
-Your score on the loyalty foundation is 2.3. This foundation is related to not doing anything to hard groups you are a part of.
-Your score on the authority and respect foundation is 2.5. This foundation is related to mainting social order.
-You score on the purity and sanctity foundation is 2.2. This foundation is related to abiding by abstract philosophical or religious prinicples.
sono delusa x la parte delle autorità XD

Re: Test: fondamenta morali

Inviato: dom mar 24, 2013 2:41 pm
da Nemesi
Your score for the harm and care basis of morality is 4. This foundation is related to a desire to care for others and try to eliminate their pain.
Your score on the fairness and reciproicty foundation is 4.7. This foundation is related to making sure everyone gets a fair deal and is not cheated.
Your score on the loyalty foundation is 2. This foundation is related to not doing anything to hard groups you are a part of.
Your score on the authority and respect foundation is 2.5. This foundation is related to mainting social order.
You score on the purity and sanctity foundation is 2. This foundation is related to abiding by abstract philosophical or religious prinicples.
Scusate, ma la parte di loyalty non è tarata come le altre. Cioè, non può esserlo. :?

Re: Test: fondamenta morali

Inviato: lun mar 25, 2013 1:16 am
da klizia
Your score for the harm and care basis of morality is 4.2. This foundation is related to a desire to care for others and try to eliminate their pain.
Your score on the fairness and reciproicty foundation is 4.8. This foundation is related to making sure everyone gets a fair deal and is not cheated.
Your score on the loyalty foundation is 1.7. This foundation is related to not doing anything to hard groups you are a part of.
Your score on the authority and respect foundation is 1.2. This foundation is related to mainting social order.
You score on the purity and sanctity foundation is 1.2. This foundation is related to abiding by abstract philosophical or religious prinicples.

Mi ritrovo abbastanza in effetti...

Re: Test: fondamenta morali

Inviato: lun mar 25, 2013 7:10 pm
da TGP
Your score for the harm and care basis of morality is 3.8. This foundation is related to a desire to care for others and try to eliminate their pain.
Your score on the fairness and reciproicty foundation is 5. This foundation is related to making sure everyone gets a fair deal and is not cheated.
Your score on the loyalty foundation is 2.5. This foundation is related to not doing anything to hard groups you are a part of.
Your score on the authority and respect foundation is 1.2. This foundation is related to mainting social order.
You score on the purity and sanctity foundation is 1.3. This foundation is related to abiding by abstract philosophical or religious prinicples.

Re: Test: fondamenta morali

Inviato: mer mar 27, 2013 11:09 pm
da SilverKitsune
Perché mai la parte di loyalty non dovrebbe essere tarata come le altre? A quanto ho capito è la lealtà intesa principalmente come adempimento dei propri impegni verso le altre persone e, in misura minore, alla fedeltà al proprio "gruppo" (che credo sia l'unica che non ho votato a favore, perché non ha senso essere leali a un gruppo sleale o scorretto verso gli altri ecc.). Sotto quest'ottica invece la vedo più che possibile :mrgreen:
Solo io ho fatto quel punteggio ridicolo in santità e castità? Che eretic* che sono :lol:

Re: Test: fondamenta morali

Inviato: gio mar 28, 2013 9:17 am
da Nemesi
Boh, mi sembrava che dovesse venire un po' più alto, anche alle persone che hanno postato dopo di me. Pensavo che le domande "nazionalistiche" rientrassero in "authority", ma evidentemente mi sbagliavo. Grazie del chiarimento. :wink:
Eh sì sei proprio un'ereticum!! :mrgreen:

Re: Test: fondamenta morali

Inviato: gio mar 28, 2013 9:27 am
da SilverKitsune
Il parametro "authority" non è in tutto nazionalistico, indica sia il sentimento di appartenenza al proprio Paese che il rispetto delle autorità in generale, a prescindere da quali autorità siano (c'era una domanda anche sul servizio militare che credo proprio rientrasse tra quelle).
Difatti ho riportato un punteggio piuttosto basso, e considerato che non ho mai vissuto fuori dall'Italia... credo sia anche comprensibile il mio disprezzo per molti tipi di autorità. :lol: