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Inviato: mar lug 11, 2006 10:08 am
da Itsuki
Bruno ha scritto:Ehm... Vorrei ricordarti che appena qualche mese fa avevi scritto:
Itsuki ha scritto: (cmq ho visto david jay...ehm...Immagine con tutto il rispetto...l'idea che uno si fa quando vede uno come quello che dice che il sesso non gli interessa è qualcosa tipo "la volpe che non riesce ad arrivare all'uva...non può, quindi dice che tanto non gli interessa"...Immagine lo so che è un pensiero cattivo, ma non ditemi che uno non ci potrebbe pensare di primo acchitto...)
ho detto che quello era ciò che secondo me poteva dire la gente...e probabilmente è stato così...(intendo, probabilmente sul serio chi l'ha visto ha pensato una cosa del genere)

se conoscessero altri asessuali capirebbero che non è così...o almeno, non sempre è così...

Inviato: mar lug 11, 2006 10:22 am
da blueberyl
Beh, anche la maggior parte dei sessuali è brutta, no? :D Dunque parità di situazione... :-)

Inviato: mar lug 11, 2006 6:34 pm
da peterpan
Quando vidi alcuni utenti di aven in un documentario devo ammettere che ho pensato quello che ha scritto itsuki :P

Inviato: mer lug 12, 2006 4:17 am
da Triple A
I'm not entirely sure what Itsuki wrote, but I think it might be something along the lines of thinking a person is asexual because they are a virgin who can't get any sex.

Personally, the reason I'm 100% sure that I am asexual is because I've had sex. And I know there are other AVENites who are in the same situation. I can't include my picture in any pamphlets because I'm a teacher, but I can try to get a photo/comment along those lines from someone else. Though across all the AVEN's we only have about 4 picture submissions total.

Inviato: mer lug 12, 2006 11:08 am
da blueberyl
Cmq David Jay non è poi così brutto, io lo trovo interessante... :?

Inviato: gio lug 13, 2006 2:56 pm
da Bruno
I think the point that Itsuki was trying to make was that if someone sees a not-so-good-looking person who claims to be asexual, their first thought is going to be something like "this person can't have sex coz he's ugly, so it's just sour grapes". That may be true, but I think our message should be targeting people who may consider themselves asexual but have never heard of asexuality, or AVEN. It doesn't matter too much if the publicity is negative. Some users in our forum joined after listening to some silly or misleading reports on TV.
Personally I wouldn't like my picture to be on a pamphlet because it might end up being printed in a national newspaper (when this forum opened it was reported in La Repubblica, one of Italy's best selling daily papers). Ten years ago I probably wouldn't have cared, but now that I have a stable job I tend to be much more careful.

Inviato: dom lug 16, 2006 5:46 am
da blueberyl
I have always been conscious I was not attracted by sex and I never felt 'disabled' . Lot of people I knew were like myself, but they sacrificed themselves in the name of love and family, but I didn't agree with them at I somehow felt guilty for not behaving like all the others.
I 'm not disgusted by physical contact; on the contrary I think my physical sensibility is so high that it allows me to appreciate 'shades and touches' people often neglect; and whether it is the cause or the consequence of my asexuality, I strongly feel it's very positive!
L'ho già postato anche su Aven Internazionale....fatemi le dovute correzioni, please!!! :( (finchè sono in tempo correggo! )
Quanto alla foto....apparte la bruttezza, :smt078 non vorrei correrere il rischio di essere riconosciuta dai miei !

Inviato: dom lug 16, 2006 8:56 am
da smet
L'apparenza fisica non ha niente da fare con il sesso.
Come hanno detto i R.E.M.: "Ugly girls know their fait, anybody can get laid...". Non e` vero!?

Inviato: dom lug 16, 2006 10:13 pm
da blueberyl
Vero!!!! :roll:

Inviato: ven lug 21, 2006 4:58 am
da Triple A
Lots of asexuals can get laid - some of us have been laid, and have had a few requests to be laid that we turned down.

You can always find someone to ahve sex with, though they may not meet your ideal of a partner

Inviato: sab lug 22, 2006 4:31 pm
da Bruno
blueberyl ha scritto:
I have always been conscious I was not attracted by sex and I never felt 'disabled' . Lot of people I knew were like myself, but they sacrificed themselves in the name of love and family, but I didn't agree with them at I somehow felt guilty for not behaving like all the others.
I 'm not disgusted by physical contact; on the contrary I think my physical sensibility is so high that it allows me to appreciate 'shades and touches' people often neglect; and whether it is the cause or the consequence of my asexuality, I strongly feel it's very positive!
L'ho già postato anche su Aven Internazionale....fatemi le dovute correzioni, please!!! :( (finchè sono in tempo correggo! )
Quanto alla foto....apparte la bruttezza, :smt078 non vorrei correrere il rischio di essere riconosciuta dai miei !
La tua citazione non ha bisogno di correzioni, mi sembra perfetta :)

Inviato: sab lug 22, 2006 7:23 pm
da blueberyl
Ehi ma questi taduttori automatici fanno miracoli :shock: !!!

Inviato: gio lug 27, 2006 4:57 pm
da Triple A
:( I just wrote this message and lost is because I accidentally viewed a page on the other aven before posting.

sorry for the delay in getting in touch with you. I was coming today, even before I got bleberyls email, as I remembered I needed to respond to peterpan's pm on the pamphlets.

we do have one test version done, and another nearly done. but we do have some new quotes/submissions that we would like to try and incorporate.

Also we are still trying to get pictures of older and non-white asexuals. We don't have any images of older people, and though we do have a submission from an Eastern Indian, he looks quite a bit like a caucasion.

if necessary, our pamphlets will just show young people, but we would really prefer that the pamphlets do not give off the impression that asexuality is only for young white people.

Inviato: lun ago 28, 2006 2:01 am
da Triple A
we;re going with what we have at the moment - which means only one nonwhite members will be displayed in the pamphlets.

But we'd greatly appreciate it if we could get one more headshot of a female

Inviato: lun ago 28, 2006 12:29 pm
da Spirit of the Universe
Uhm...if I may give you a simple suggestion:

Why wasting time trying to find pictures of asexuals? It's clear there's way too much concern about privacy. However, the internet is full of royalty-free images, including headshots of people from different ethnic backgrounds.

You can find some samples here

If the aim is to make the pamphlet look as attractive and captivating as possible, then I believe this is the simplest solution.

Spirit of the Universe