First time here, Dating a Gray-A and I'd like help

Per tutto ciò che riguarda coloro che si sentono "a metà" tra sessuali e asessuali: grey-A e demisessuali.
Messaggi: 1
Iscritto il: mar nov 19, 2024 8:50 am

First time here, Dating a Gray-A and I'd like help

Messaggio da beckyfigueroa »

Hey everyone,

I just found this community and I'm hoping you can help enlighten me. I'm an average hetero 25/m dating a 21/f, and she recently shared with me she identifies as a gray-a. I've never heard the term before, so I had a few questions about it but did not want to force her to explain her identity. That seemed a little intrusive. I've been reading about gray-a's online, and I think I have a better understanding of the ranges of sexual attraction and sexual desire.

We've gone on a few dates, and we've started kissing and light touching. I like her a lot, but I'm worried about overstepping my boundaries or upsetting her with my advances. I'm hesitant to do anything I'd normally do because I don't want to offend her sexual identity.

Can anyone provide tips or insight on how to date a gray-a? I'd like to have a conversation with her about boundaries; how would I start this conversation? Thanks for your time
